in•spired [in-spahyuhrd]
1 animated or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence
2 of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse
a•chie•ver [uh-chee-vur]
1 one who reaches a desired objective, level, or result by effort, skill, or courage
2 someone who attains success especially through effort
David has had the proud satisfaction of watching many clients transition from young professionals to comfortable retirees. Some started single, some newly married. Some had children, some didn't. Some held various careers, some divorced, some bought and sold several homes. But regardless of the circumstances, some similarities always existed. The clients saved on a regular basis while working, were serious about working hard for their best future, and their financial lives were constantly complex- just in varying degrees. Since David specializes in complex financial plans, he was there as a sounding board for major decisions, a guide through tax implications, and a wise consult through 401(k) choices.
If this sounds like a road you have been on for awhile, we give you kudos and would love to work with you in our traditional yet specialized way! But we realize there are many people who are in the earlier stages of this journey and need a different kind of help. Rather than just neglect this next wave of successful people, David has created a service just for them to assist them where they are financially. No, this service is not for the faint-of-heart as you will have homework and lifestyle choices to make, but we welcome you to join the many others who have reaped the rewards of their hard work in retirement!
Consider yourself an Inspired Achiever?

Schedule a Meeting
First, take that hardest step. Click this link and add an introductory meeting to your calendar. No pressure, just to see if you're a good fit. Choose between phone, virtual, cafe, office, etc. No obligations! Nothing to lose, and perhaps so much to gain!

Let David Guide You
If you decide you're a good match, David will let you know the next steps. This looks different for every client: more meetings, fewer meetings, crunching numbers, 401(k) selections... All to be determined by your unique scenario.

Have Said Meeting
Next, keep it simple. Meet David and see how the conversation progresses. Some people bring documents like pay stubs and statements, some don't. Some bring their partner (always ideal), and some don't. But ask away, all the questions you'd like!
Inspired Achievers will always want to know how much it costs to be one, as the fees are the main reason this group largely doesn't employ financial advisors. Traditionally, fees charged by advisors are based on assets (account values) under their management- a small percentage of those assets' value. For this niche, though, David has a different approach that is more economical and streamlined for you. Ask him about it at your meeting!